Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A New Beginning

Baby Jack was born on a Wednesday, the most important Wednesday that ever was. His personal secretary.. er memo taker.. scribe?..personal biographer!..(I mean me, his Momma)has made it part of her life's mission to accurately record milestones of little Jack's life so that all of the PawPaws, MeMaws, Grand Schmobs, and Grandys (aunties, uncles, and friends) can participate in the goings on. Plus, I figure that this can double as (yet another) mommy blog where I can record all of my cheers and (certain) foibles of being a first time mom.

This is a site under constant construction, as mirrored by life, and as it comes into being, please enjoy, be distracted by, or completely ignore Jack's film demonstration on how to be 6 days old:


Jen said...

Oh it's so tough to be 6 days old!! I am so glad you started this blog!! I can't wait to see lots of pics and videos of him as he grows!! He really is beautiful!!

I have a few days off these next few days if you still want me to work on decorating this blog!! Let me know!!

I Love you both!!


choral_composer said...


Baby Jack is so awesome and he's gonna be a the coolest kids with the parents everyone wants to hang with!!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa (the girls' moma) said...

Oh my gosh, that's hilarious. Go Jack! Being 6 days old is a work of art.

I'm excited to follow you over here to the Bug Barn.

Amira Abu-Shawish said...

That one's gonna drive you crazy with all the talkin'.

For seriously, though. Jack's adorable.

Ames said...

Love it and excited to keep up with your new blog.

Unknown said...

Wow, to be 6 days old again! He is gorgeous and I look forward to reading about his milestones.

Happy Fun Pants said...

I love this blog! :)

Thanks for recording all of his doings - and he is absolutely beautiful!!! :)