You are five months old!! Of course I now have to sing the "You're a big frog now you're five!" song daily, nay hourly.. OK, fine. Minutely. And you mostly tolerate it. But when you don't, you REALLY don't.
I don't have long to write this morning since I need to get ready for work and you need to get ready for Nanny's, but here are a few things that have happened/ are happening this month for you.
* You love to stand up and we love it that you pretty much can when we take off your socks, that is. If we don't, you slide all over the place, especially if I'm wearing wind pants. Sitting up is still an issue, as is tummy time.
* You HATE rice cereal. And we refuse to add anything to it yet, including apple sauce. Solids are still a no go. And that rice cereal caked in momma's hair, dripping down the walls, coating the cat.. Yeah, not funny, Jack. I get it. You DON'T like it.
* You hate long sleeved ______________. Fill in the blank with any of the following: pj's, onesies, sweaters, jackets, (name your own)
*You love playing super baby and you fight all the meanies in the room to protect the innocent. Then you stand back, a stoic look on your face, imagining your superhero cape flying proudly in the wind..though really it's just your bib that is constantly turning sideways and backwards. How does that happen? But whatever. You saved the day!
* You like outside, until you don't.
* You laugh and squeal and coo a lot of the time! That makes me laugh and squeal and coo too!
*You are getting your first tooth. I can see it about to break through. Hold on to your butts, everybody.
*Nap time=FUSSY time.
*You're starting to notice toys! Finally. Whew.
I'm sorry I don't have time this month to write more, sweet Jack, so I have to end this abruptly. Such is the life of a working mom. I will say that I love you and I'm so glad you are in my life. I can't wait to see what comes next!
Love, Momma
Wow he is already five months old. He is getting so big so fast. Have you gave him any oatmeal cereal? It is just like the rice cereal but it is oatmeal. Alyce did not like the rice and we went to that and she enjoyed it. Try peaches or pears with the cereal. With Alyce we had to take her off of rice cereal and apple sauce because she was having problems getting in out of her body. Yeah gross. I wish him the best of luck with his teething. Hang in there.
Oh, your comment about Jack liking outside, until he doesn't, reminds me of what I used to say about Coley, who was pretty fussy, too. "She's a really happy baby, until she isn't." Fun. I feel ya.
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