Thursday, December 4, 2008

We're all exhausted

Jack is sick.

He has had a horrible stomach bug since Thanksgiving and he can't seem to shake it, no matter what. Rich and I took him to the doctor today after several concerned calls because we're worried that he is dehydrated and losing weight. Fortunately, the doctor said that Jack looks OK hydration-wise and reassured us that we were doing all that we can do for him. We will just have to wait it out. It may take another week or two.

Obviously, Jack is not allowed to go to daycare, not that we want to take him, but we are both missing a lot of work to be home. I'm at the point where I really don't care about my job, anyway, so it isn't a huge sacrifice, other than when I do go back to work it is hard to pick up where we left off. I'm lost. The kids are lost. They don't do what the sub asks. The sub may not ask them to do what I've assigned. So everyone is at a stalemate. Stress.

Rich has really been amazing, though. He has changed more dirty diapers than anyone should have to in a lifetime. He does this at all hours of the night - changed diapers, sheets, clothes... He has stayed home from work more days than I have. He has done so with the most happy, positive attitude I have seen anyone have in a circumstance like this. I believe him now when he says he wants to be a stay at home dad. He is far better at staying at home than I am. I think I add stress and anxiety to household. I need to be at work to stay sane.. except that work, as I've already mentioned, really sucks lately.

But on the positive, we're taking it one day at a time. Other than explosive diarrhea and a little bit of diaper rash, Jack is relatively healthy and has been sleeping through the night. Fortunately, I didn't have to take any maternity days since I had Jack in June, so I have a little stockpile saved up, and I don't think they will dock my pay for being out so much.

Poor Baby Jack. I just want him to get well. More than anything.


Happy Fun Pants said...

I'm sorry - did you just write that it could take another WEEK OR TWO?!?!?!?


That is absolutely the worst thing I've read today. I mean, he can't even talk and he doesn't understand that this situation WILL pass by.

I hate that - for the three of you.

Thinking of you guys...

Unknown said...

Poor Jack, he must be so miserable. I hope he gets better soon. Hang in there. I know how horrible it is to not be able to do anything to make your baby feel better, but he knows you love him and are trying your best to comfort him.

Chelle said...

Oh dear, you poor mommy and daddy! Hope Jack's tummy settles SOON, but so glad he's sleeping through the night. Hooray for Rich stepping up and helping calm and care for things. Things get crazy, easily, so it's nice when one of the two parents is at least partly sane :)

Jen said...

I hope baby Jack starts feeling better soon! I can only imagine the stress you all are under! Hang in there!! I love you all!!


Amy said...

Hope Jack feels better soon.

Lisa (the girls' moma) said...

Ugh, that SUCKS. Yes, sending good thoughts your way.

Ames said...

Hang in there. Hurry for Rich!