Saturday, August 30, 2008


Well, we survived the week. I would like to say we survived it unscathed, but then I wouldn't be able to mention the fact that Rich and I are passing a nasty cold back and forth, and neither of us has slept more than 3 hours in a row. Fortunately (and I'm knocking on wood here), Jack doesn't appear to have gotten the bug.. unless he's the one who gave it to us. He was stuffy and cranky last week-end, so much so that I figured he would be sent home from daycare and I would miss the first day back - but he seemed to magically get better on Monday and went to daycare everyday after without incident.

Jack is having a reflux issue, and spits up insane amounts of milk in between gaseous gasps for air. I put him back on his baby Zantac this morning and we give him gas drops after feedings when we think of it. I would usually tell myself that this is normal baby behavior and that I'm being too new mommy-ish by worrying, but even Nanny Delaney (his wonderful daycare host) mentions it when I pick him up everyday. So, we'll see how the Zantac does. I think the pediatrician would remind me that Jack is healthy - in the 75th percentile for weight - and that unless he is losing weight, I shouldn't be concerned, but as all of you know, it is hard to hear a baby cry.

So, overall we are happy to have survived the week. We are all recuperating this week-end in hopes that next week will be more than survived. I am really glad to be back at work - something familiar and routine, something that gives me back some of the personal confidence that tends to be shaky in my new mommy role.


Chelle said...

Glad you all made it through, despite the cold, and that you are enjoying being back in the classroom. I'm not surprised at all you made it through the first week. Hope you and Rich get some rest and feel better SOON!

Deidra said...

Ginger have switched him to formula I ask because when we got Zack he had horrible reflux to me it was more like projectile vomit everytime he ate. Freaked me right out anyway, our doctor put him on this formula that really helped with the reflux I was eventually able to wing him off the meds because the formula helped. Anyways just a thought, glad you guys are doing well.

Jen said...

Glad you survived your first week!! Sorry to hear you and Rich have a cold! What a yucky way to start the first week of school!! I hope baby Jack doesn't get it and the reflux gets figured out!! Poor little guy!!

Enjoy your 3 day weekend!!

Love you all!!


Ginger said...

Thanks you guys!
Dee and Chelle we are experimenting with formulas which is part of the problem. Jack still has breastmilk at least once a day which is good. Unfortunately, I can't pump enough times a day to feed him breastmilk exclusively. We used the free samples of formula we got in the mail when Jack was born, and now we are trying to choose the best one. The Target brand is out. Ick. That was the worst. The Enfamil seemed OK, but it is SO expensive and we are on a really tight budget. Comforts seems to be an OK formula (Kroger brand), but Jack did spit a lot of it up tonight and was FUSSY for almost 2 hours.

Honestly, I wish I could just nurse. Until then, we'll wash a lot of burp rags.

Deidra said...

Ya we were lucky because we didn't have to pay for his formula. It is ridiculous how much the stuff costs. Hope you find something that works.

Chelle said...

We use Similac, but luckily, Costco carries it so we get more for less. But yes, it's still expensive! Call his pediatrician and ask which they would recommend. Keep in mind that part of the problem may be trying to find the right formula. Babies seem to be picky and not like constant change in that regard...we have found that out to be true anyway (the hard way I might add)!

Lisa (the girls' moma) said...

I feel ya sweetie. I have so much to say, I'll just send you an email. Watch for it!
