Monday, September 29, 2008

Cotton Candy Sweetie Go

Let me see the Tootsie Roll!

Jack will be a Tootsie Roll for Halloween which is the costume that 10 of you picked! Hooray!

Thanks for playing everyone!

Now dip,baby, dip.
Dip, baby, dip
And slide...


LBelle said...

YEAH!!!!! That's what I voted for! VICTORY! He will be so adorable.

Christine said...

Awwww.... yeah... kickin' it old school.


Lisa (the girls' moma) said...

Oh man, that will be friggin' adorable. He will rock it out.And you guys better get a thousand and one pictures.

choral_composer said...

a tootsie roll?

Remember when you put money aside for his college fees to also put some away for psychotherapy :)

Actually I'm just jealous, I can't fit into my tootsie roll costume anymore :(

Deidra said...

ginger I have been trying to veiw your other blog and you have gone private. Add me to your list even though I don't comment I read it religiously. Love Ya Dee

Amira Abu-Shawish said...

Just make sure no one tries to eat him. 'Cause, you know, some people might get confused....

And what's this? De-Comp is invite only now? :/

Chelle said...

I can't wait for the pictures!

Ginger said...

De-Comp is back up..

Ginger said...

...against my better judgement.